Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I miss My bestfriend.

err, I really miss my best friend in this whole wide World. He left me without any reasons or Goodbye. :'( I cry every night thinking about you. "what're you doing there in Heaven sayang ?" :/ You've been there for me since I was like what 11 ? Every holiday we'd bring you to every place we'd go. Even before you were gone, We had planned to bring you to London with us. :( but you were GONE TOO SOON. I'm just breathless speechless liddat. I was LIKE what kind of Bullshit just came right outta my mum's mouth ?? she said that you're dead, my heart were torn to pieces, BROKEN and no glue can ever attach it back. Only you are my Special GLUE. I can't fight GOD. Anyway, I just wanted to say I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, AND I MISS YOU. Hope you think about me and my family all the time up there. Don't forget to pick me up to Heaven eh ? (': Bye.

THE END *have fun up there, Bye Muffin the cat <3 (':